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Modern Architecture

Business / Corporate Yoga

Did you know Port Washington Yoga offers off-site yoga courses?

Companies that provide yoga realize benefits including healthier happier staff, cost savings, and positive brand perception. Elder care residents benefit from improved mobility and daily life experience. Let us come to you.

Check out what research shows.

Happy Office Talk

Happier, Healthier Employees


Let's correct that now. Research shows that yoga improves heart health, relieves stress, depression, and anxiety, improves physical comfort, muscle strength and flexibility, and even delivers increases in emotional and cognitive intelligence (Bhandari, et al , 2012, Galantino, et al, 2012, Garcia, et al, 2023, Sinpinchetkorn, et al, 2022, Stahl, et al, 2015, Yao, et al, 2023).

Senior Citizen Exercise Class

Senior Communities

Galantino, et al, (2012) found the modified chair-yoga program to be safe and beneficial for improving mobility and reducing fear of falling

Yao, et al (2023) found “significantly higher level of functional fitness and daily life activity scores after the chair yoga intervention.” 

Working with Financial Documents

Cost Savings

Dr James E. Stahl and his team of Harvard researchers calculated an estimated health care savings of $640 - $25.5k / patient / year from yoga and meditation programs (Harvard Health, 2015).

Business Meeting

Boost Company Reputation

Jen Seltz (2023) suggests that workplace yoga and wellness programs gives companies a recruiting edge in a challenging market that is particularly attractive to Millennials. These programs boost your corporate reputation by demonstrating that you “walk the walk”. 

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